Monday, May 7, 2012

Day 4, Already?

 This is not the best way to have to start the day, especially when we weren't dressed or anywhere near ready for the day!

Then we were let off the hook...

So we decided to hike to the Blow Hole, on the North west side of the island, Nakalele!

I did not doctor this. Natural or carved? You decide.

Ryan called this the dishwasher! If you get sucked in or fall in, you will be whipped around like a damp rag. Or ripped to shreds by the sharp rocks that would inevidently be in your path.
 Look in the very middle of the picture../
Here is  comes! Hard to catch, but the blow hole shot straight up every time the waves rushed in, pressing against volcanic rock or cliffs. The mist was amazing, yet I would not dare get close to it. We had read the story of a man who was pushed over by a huge wave and sucked into the hole. When we saw the actual size of the hole, it was crazy that a man could fit into it, just another testament of how powerful the current of the oceans is. We often stood at the edge of the beach or rock and found ourselves lost in thought of the mass expanse of the water that surrounded us on this small patch of land. We were such peons in this universe, and it was clearly evident as we marveled at the power of the element before us. 

 Well then, on the upside of our hike we noticed this sign. Uuuuuh, Amen to that.

From the top of the cliffs. It was a windy day and my hair was so tousled. However, the wind felt amazing as we ran back down the road to our car on the other side of the cliffs. Could there be any more of an amazing way to spend a day? I love being outside, near the ocean, taking in the clear air as we walk/ran to the blow hole, then back to our car.

After laying by the pool and taking a much needed nap, especially after the long day yesterday, we decided to try something non-commercial for dinner.
Ryan had read on-line about this pizza stand, so we decided to try it. To find it, you have to follow the schedule of where it parks each night. This time it was on the corner of a small shopping center, only 4 stores and a small parking lot. A young local man made the each pizza, dough and all, on the back of the trailer, then walked around to slip them onto the wood grill where her sporadically turned each pizza. When the dough was cooked all the way through, he put each on their own paper plate and assembled the last of the toppings, the sauces. Yum!
We decided to try the Mediterranean and the Spicy Buffalo Chicken pizza's. Of course mine was the Mediterranean. I wasn't going to touch that Spicy thing. Spicy and Pizza don't mix in my opinion.
I'll be honest, the pizza wasn't amazing, but it was a fun local experience.

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