Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Valentines Day 2013! 2/14/13

So I'm back tracking and will try to catch up to the present...

Valentines is always a fun holiday to celebrate and decorate! We start a little early by making cards, heart shaped cookies, and have a FHE (family home evening) to talk about how we can show LOVE one to another the whole month. Now, this is no easy task with three girls who think they should do and say what ever they want, but if I'm not teaching them the principle of LOVE, who is? 

So we start with card making for the girls school teachers the night before Valentines:

Here is some of the decor around our home:

I posted this on our fridge as a daily reminder to show LOVE one to another.

 I spy a stinker! I was standing at the sink washing my hands when I looked over and say Audrey making silly faces at me through the decor and fruit bowl. I had to document it through pictures, of course.

On Valentines morning, the table is set with all pink, red and hearts. This year I made cinnamon rolls into heart shapes and had pink milk. 

Before it got too crazy during the morning rush to get out the door, we put together valentine goody boxes for each teacher. Naomi has a rotation of 3 teachers, and Heidi has Mrs Henandez and the aid, Ms Monquio! So we put together a few gifts.

 On each breakfast setting was a little gift for each girl. This was for Heidi, as you can tell by the "Pony coloring book."

This was Audrey's, as you can see by the sucker.

And this was Naomi's, as you can see by the big eraser for school.

Just one of the place mat I found this year @ the "Dollar Stop" at Target. Good ol' dollar stop.

In the girls lunch, I placed a LOVE note on a heart shaped napkin, a heart shaped sandwich, and a mini sparkly sprinkled pink cupcake, along with the other usual food.


This was on the way to School. Audrey had to have a silly picture of herself. Heidi stopped just long enough for me to get a picture of her cute Valentine Outfit. See the red bag? That has 32 valentine cards and treats. Yes, that's 20 too many kids in her class. But that's a issue I will never post about or get into on this blog.

Later, not on purpose, I made a cheese pizza for dinner. It kind of took on a shape of its own and became slightly heart shaped. How fitting for our LOVE day.

In the Mail on Valentines, we received a package from our Grandma in Utah with fun Valentine treats, cards and shirts. We love getting packages and letters in the mail.

And Happy Valentines to me! I couldn't pass up the monstrous PB cup. If you know me at all, you know I have a love affair with anything peanut butter, or pb and chocolate.

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