Thursday, September 5, 2013

Pre School Shopping in Los Angeles and FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL 2013

Every time I go shopping with my girls, they beg me to buy little trinkets that are way too expensive for their plastic worth. So my response is, "We can find that cheaper in LA!" The girls keep asking when we were going to LA, so I decided to take them for a little shopping spree the day before school started.  I did not even attempt to battle Audrey in the confines of the filthy shopping district of LA. I had asked a friend to keep her for the morning, which she graciously accepted. Hallelujah. So Naomi, Heidi and I ventured to Maple and Los Angeles streets to walk around and just browse the many vendors. I explained before hand that we needed to do a lot of looking before we buy. And we can barter with the vendors a little. So it was quite the experience for both girls. Before we got there Naomi asked if we could walk around the "mall." I told her she is in for a big shock, cause where we were going is NOT a mall. It is crowded and dirty and they needed to stay close. 

 I was proud of me, for not letting them con me into buying unneeded or unnecessary "things." We went away with a few iPod cases, hello kitty glasses and some 45 cent jewelry. Success!

Later that night, after running to the dollar store...
To show the teachers that I care about them, and am concerned for their sanity, and I care about my children's education, I've started a terrible tradition of putting together "Teacher Survival Kits" for each teacher. I started this last year. However, this year Heidi has 2 teachers that split the week, so they have 1 to share.

I also had run to Costco for lunch foods, and a huge light bulb went on: I put all the lunch food on one shelf so I can grab all food and snacks from one place, put in lunches, and be done. Glorious, Amazing, Brilliant...! Why did it take me 5 years of having kids in school for me to figure this out?

Finding out Naomi and Heidi's Teachers

 The drive to Mayflower Elementary. Naomi was still leery of going back.

The girls carrying their lunches, back packs and teacher baskets. Too much stuff... And apparently Audrey thinks it's winter time. Look at my instagram picture below and you'll see why. Ha!

                                                                     Naomi First:

First Grade!
Heidi and Caitlyn, so excited to be together again. 

                                                              Mrs Casey, she's awesome!

 Apparently, some child had made a sign to put up at the school. Well, I hope it was a child...

After school Slurpees! It was so hot so we had to stop for a cool sugar refresher. 7/11

They made it through the first day, and I didn't cry at all. It was a success on all sides.

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