Friday, May 6, 2016

Mom's Have Down Days too!

I'm going to be real! I'm struggling today. After a great weekend away from my own little family, to be with the women in my extended family, I came home and took off running with normal life. I flew home and went right into school pick up and teaching dance on Monday. Then everyday has brought many events that have kept me physically exhausted. So today my body finally said, STOP!
I woke up, did the crazy morning routine to get kids ready for school, dropped everyone off with the intent to come home and work, but hit a major wall as I sat on my bedroom floor, fabrics spread all around me. I decided to take some vitamins and shower, hoping that would help me feel better, but it didn't. So I laid on my bed giving myself a few minutes to recover, and here I am 2 hours later. So all the work I needed to do, the meetings, going to LA, and being productive did not happen. And you know what? I usually have guilt. I usually beat myself up that I need to be more efficient and do more with my time. But today I realized that there are certain times that our bodies tell us, STOP, SLOW DOWN, and TAKE IT DOWN A NOTCH. Cause most days I don't. Even on the days I beat myself up about not getting enough done, I realize that I have done many things that have been for the benefit of my children and family. Those things may not have been on my to do list. But I was able to be a part of my kids lives, even if it meant letting go of things I know I wouldn't get done.
There are many days that I can feel the onset of anxiety or panic. This isn't one of those days. I'm just sluggish. Like I said before, my body is saying, slow it on down.
So I know there will be backlash later from myself when I see the things I didn't get done, work, ironing, laundry, dinner... But I'm one person who can't do it all. And that's ok. I'll do more when I feel better.

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