Friday, May 27, 2016

Attending the Temple! August 2015

Before we had Audrey, Ryan and I made a goal to go to the temple at least once a month. We did really well till I became pregnant with Audrey. Then it became hard for me to sit still and not be sick. We still tried, and in the following years, we got too lax with going. So this year I decided to set the date and go. One particular Saturday morning, I arose and told Ryan it was time to get ready to go to the temple. I had set all my girls up to be with friends, be picked up from art class or dance, and be kept until Ryan and I could make it home. So I was dissapointed when Ryan told me he had to work. Guess what? I went anyway by myself.

As I pulled up to the temple, on of my sisters started to txt me. By the time I drove through the parking lots on all sides of the temple, I finally found a spot on the street. I sat there for a few minutes responding to my sister, feeling the need to give some emotional support was more important than rushing in to the temple. 
By the time I did get out of my car and make it through the temple doors, I was informed that I had just missed the session, and that the next one wasn't for another half hour. So I decided to just go in and see what ever was needed. As I went to the womens dressing room, I was told that all the water in the temple had just gone out. What!? So I sat patiently in a chair by the little ladies who man the counter in the women's locker. They were so soft and sweet to everyone who came. We all waited to know what would be done with the water situation. 
Once the temple president gave the ok to continue with other work, I changed my cloths and sat quietly waiting to be called. As I sat there, an old family friend happened to sit next to me. So we quietly caught up on our lives. 
Imagine my disappointment as the same sweet lady who told us we could change came back to me and said that the temple president decided to close the temple because they did not know what was happening with the water, and didn't know when it would be fixed. So I quickly changed back into my street cloths and made my way back to my car.
I TRIED! It's the effort that counts right? 

I wasn't going to drive all the way home after going all the way to Los Angeles with out stopping for some macaroons at Bodega Louis. Its a must. In the middle of the stinky dirty downtown LA, is this high end restaurant that is always crowded. Doesn't matter the day or time. There is always people standing around waiting for a table.
I wasn't there to wait. I scoped out the desserts and decided on a box of 12 different macaroon flavors. And I am proud to say that the box made it home unopened. I kept it hidden till I could pull it out to share with Ryan that night after the kids were in bed. It is always fun to try new flavors. I highly recommend the Earl Grey, Lavender, or Vanilla.

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