Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Bubble Man @ Library Park! 2-27-13

Have you ever read the book "Bubble Bubble" by Mercer Mayer? It is one of our favorites. 

It starts out with a little boy bumping into a bubble...buying magic bubbles...blowing magic bubbles...
 ...that turned into all sorts of shapes...
 ..then the shapes turn on him... and become scary animals...
 ...so he keeps blowing bubbles that produce bigger animals to scare of the next...
...till he gets bored and ends up tossing the bubble bottle. 

                               This book came to life for us on a random Wednesday afternoon.
We had to run the the Monrovia Library after school to find a book on Shirley Temple. Naomi was doing a "book share" on a celebrity, and this is who she chose.
We parked across the street and started to walk towards the front when we spotted a man on the front lawn with buckets, holding sticks with a rope attached, blowing the largest bubbles I've ever seen. 

So we walked over to watch him. He had a little stereo on a small cart playing old rock ballads, and was in his own world randomly blowing bubbles on the grass out front of the library. We watched for a bit to feel out this man before being social with him. He saw us watching him and asked the girls if they'd like to try blowing bubbles themselves. Really? Well of course!

So he dipped the sticks in the bucket of home made bubbles solution, told them to make sure to hold the sticks together as they dipped, then lift them in the air and let the wind do its job! Wallah!!! Not quite "magic bubbles," but this had to be the highlight of Naomi and Heidi's week. Leaving to go inside to find a book was not an easy fete for them, but we didn't have all day. I took as many pictures as I could with out seeming too overbearing on this mans space, but needing to capture the glee on the girls faces. I should have taken videos because the giggles said it all. So enjoy!

His cart below! This man, who I never got around to asking his name, told me how he is at the park randomly doing this, and that he has grandsons who love practice to blowing large bubbles. I didn't ask, but I wondered if he did this for parties, or just for fun. Did he have another job? Was he a little "off" or just had time to fulfill a dream of being a "bubble man?" He seemed nice enough, never came uncomfortably close.

Audrey would not go near the man or the sticks, but she had fun running after the bubbles to pop them.

 Wow Heidi!!!

 Go Naomi!!!
Thank you to this unnamed "Bubble Man" who brought some excitement to our usually busy Wednesday afternoon.

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