Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Summer begins!!!

Audrey woke up at 2 am screaming. I went into her room and tried to console her, yet she would not stop squirming and saying "OUWIE." I kept asking her where it was ouwie, but she never responded. So I forced some tylenol down her and poured warmed garlic in her ear, the one she kept pulling on, THEN she finally settled down and I was able to lay her back in her crib, sans the crying. YES!

The Estes cousins came into town on Wednesday June 6th. We went to see them at 5 pm to have pizza and play for a little bit. Then Thursday we went to the park to play with balloons. This picture is of Heidi getting the biggest kick out of the wienie balloons being let go, the twins chasing it all over trying to catch it, while it hisses and farts at the end. Anything crude, she loves.

While in the car on the way to the park, Audrey found my pale pink lipstick. Darnnit!

Layla spent the night, so on friday afternoon, when Naomi was out of school, we all made some rounds around the block in our electric get-up. Me on my bike, Audrey in the bike trailer, Naomi on her scooter, and Layla and Heidi in the jeep. It was seriously 93 degrees so we didn't last long outside, but it was a fun memory; parent and children together.

Sunday morning, the girls and I went to Harrison Schultz homecoming talk in Brea. We all had lunch and the girls played a lot before we headed to San Clemente to meet the Rossiter clan. Let's say that this kind of peace and sleep in the car is very seldom, that I had to document it.

Serious, could she be any more OUT COLD?

Finally, the girls play and enjoy each others company. This is chill time watching tv.
 Monday morning all the girlies went to the beach. It was overcast and a little chilly, but the girls didn't mind. They played in the sand, rocks and water. Audrey loves the sand.

Naomi and Layla were not fazed by the cooler weather. They boogie boarded and played in the shallow water.

Once the water was too cool to handle, the slope on the sand became the waves. This was hilarious watching the joy that came from the enjoyment the girls had. I was worried about the bottom of the boards getting ruined, but how could I mess up the fun flow?

Then all the fun ended when Naomi decided she was freezing and wanted to leave. I had her take off her rash guard shirt and sit. She was wrapped in 4 towels here and didn't move till Nanna offered to go to the condo with her.

We were not able to stay in San Clemente the whole week. Naomi had to be to dance class to rehearse her dances for the showcase in two weeks. I didn't want to miss it, so we drove home around 2. This is what happens when you have a sleep over (not sleeping enough) and play at the beach for a few hours:

Then as a belated special "Schools Out" treat. I had promised Naomi that I would take her to get a pedicure. So after dance, dinner & FHE, Naomi, Heidi and I snuck out to find a salon that would be open and willing to give pedicures. When we got there, they both sheepishly wanted manicures too. So I didn't get myself either so they could have both. I was just the cheerleader mom who took pictures and made sure the color and designs were what they wanted.

I took a video of Heidi giggling as her head bobbed around from the massager. But somehow it didn't save on my phone. It was so funny. So so so sad that I can't watch it over and over again. I was laughing so hard while filming.

She loved it. They treated her like a little princess.

"They kind of look like marshmallows in-between!" Of course Heidi associates it with sugar!!!

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