Thursday, April 26, 2012

"Sparkly Shoes"

My little "Fairy Girly Girl" has dug these shoes out of the trash 3 times. I've placed them in 3 different  trash cans around our house, and she still finds them. So one night I took a picture of them, tattered and torn, then placed them in the trash. The next morning as we were running out the door, I asked Heidi to run and get shoes on before she got in the car. I climbed in after her and turned to see this... How in the world? These are now archived to her keep-sake box. (It is kept high in the closet so she can not get to it.)
Oh Heidi!!! I'm looking all over for new "sparkly' shoes for you.

1 comment:

  1. I feel a little poor will be the shoes if abandoned.
    If so, I want you to hand over.
