I was quickly losing patience and became very tired and irritable, which for me go hand in hand. So I made the comment that I wasn't doing so well at that moment. Ryan heard me and told me to go lay down. I hesitated doing it cause every time in the past when I've tried to lay down, my girls have either run around screaming, come into my room asking a million questions, or start fighting in which I have to be the ref. So when Ryan told me a second time to lay down, I went into my room, shut and locked the door, and had a good 1/2 hr nap with Audrey. I was awakened by Heidi knocking on the door. When I got up to open the door, she was half dressed and informed me that she needed to put powder on her peepee cause it was itchy, meaning she had already done this. Two things went through my head; "oh brother, why is her peepee itching?" (too much candy I'm sure) and "where did she find baby powder?" I started to follow her toward the babies room when she stopped at the bathroom door with a funny look on her face. Not only was there baby powder on the carpet in the room, I turned to look in the bathroom to find...
THIS! AAAAHHHHH! We are fish sitting for a neighbor who brought her fish in a round bowl, and fish food to be fed 3 little pellets, 3 times a day. Poor little fishy was given a feast, compliments of Heidi. So while I was laying down, she decided to climb on the bathroom counter, get the fish food out of the medicine cabinet, and not only pour it into the fish bowl, but spill it all over the counter, in both sinks, and in the empty fish tank we have from our two fish who have both passed away. Being the groggy mom, I freaked! I tried to hurry and fill up our vase with clean water, but there were fish pellets that kept rising to the top that I had to get out by hand. Then I couldn't get the water temperature warm enough, then cool enough to be able to transfer the fish with out shocking it. So I did my best to scoop out the fish food that was floating in the round fish bowl. Cause if the fish ate too much, it would die. I'll be honest, I was panicking. This fish could not die at our house. Finally the water in our vase was about right and I used the net to scoop the fish out of the bowl, and what did it do? It flopped out onto the bathroom counter. I started screaming cause I didn't want to touch the slimy thing. Oh yeah, I didn't mention that after Heidi put herself in time out, knowing she was in huge trouble, I made her stand on a stool and put the fish pellets by hand back into the food container. So she is standing there watching me freak out over the fish flopping around, not able to pick it up fast enough to get it back into water. She starts crying, and Ryan is yelling at me from the other room telling me to calm down. CALM DOWN?! This is just what I want to be doing after being woken up from a nap I knew would be in vain. Just so you know, I ended up using one hand to scoop the fish back into the net and put it safely back into the water. I cleaned up the rest of the fish food off the counter and the sinks, then did my best to distract Heidi from getting into things she shouldn't be getting into.
The face of a very guilty child!
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