10-28-10 Heidi is a little quirky when it comes to public activities. She is so silly, crazy, annoying sometimes and very naughty at home. But when she is in public, like this costume parade at her school, she clams up. Ryan and I could barely get her to smile at us each time she made it around to where we stood.
10-30-10 Thank you to the City of Monrovia for having their Halloween celebration on Saturday, the day before Halloween. Since we had debated whether to let our girls go trick-or-treat on the Sabbath, it made it easy for us to take them around to the stores on Myrtle on Saturday. The streets are blocked off and the store owners sit out front of the stores and pass out candy. This way they didn't have a need to complain when Sunday rolled around and trick-or-treaters came to our home. They had plenty of candy by then and had more fun seeing all the kids who came to our house.
After walking up and down Myrtle trick-or-treating, we went to Naomi's school for the fall festival. This is where they played games and of course used their tickets to get their faces painted. Heidi is a butterfly and Naomi has a bat across her eyes with a sun and flying bats on her forehead.
I tried to be really creative Saturday evening before Halloween. So for dinner we had ghost shaped Quesidillas, Guacamole, and Enchiladas. If I was really on the ball, I would have had orange Milk and black enchiladas. But this year, cookie cutters were as far as I went.

Oh, and if you scroll back up you'll notice that Heidi wore three different costumes for each event we went to. She couldn't decide; first she wanted to be Snow White, then a witch, then Tinkerbell. So she was able to be all on different days. Naomi just stuck with being a gypsy. Audrey was a ladybug, even though you can't see the back of her costume. She only dressed up for the ward party.
Oh, and if you scroll back up you'll notice that Heidi wore three different costumes for each event we went to. She couldn't decide; first she wanted to be Snow White, then a witch, then Tinkerbell. So she was able to be all on different days. Naomi just stuck with being a gypsy. Audrey was a ladybug, even though you can't see the back of her costume. She only dressed up for the ward party.
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