Coopers Run 2014!
At the very start of the run, after most everyone has arrived, picked up their numbers and shirts, and are stretched and ready to run, Quinn and Jana start the event with a short introduction of their family, a memory of Cooper, invite all the service men and woman to join them up front, then they honor one member of the fire and EMT service who was nominated and then selected to be honored with the "Cooper Award."
Some Fun pics of the kids during the festivities.
Twinner Cousins: Kate Smith (5) and Heidi (7)!

I tried to get a picture of Ryan and I and he was taking silly pics...
...till I objected... finally get a good picture of the two of us.
Eliza Gray and Cole Smith.
Let the Race BEGIN! I wasn't going to run this year, since I have run it every year, because I was sick for 2 weeks before I came to Utah, but Ryan talked me into it. I like being on the race route to see all the runners and supporters. I was very slow
This is the best part, the end stretch past the Koffords' home where there are posters of Cooper with pictures of different firemen, fire woman, and EMT who showed up to the Koffords's home after Cooper passed away.
The finish line: As you run under the time clock there is a fireman waiting with the fire hose to hose anyone down who is willing.
The Fun Run!
Noami on the bike totally passed on the outside of the time clock and didn't even see Ryan and I waiting for her rooting at the end.

By the time we got ourselves together to take a "Worsley" picture, Stephanie and Cameron had already left, and Jenn and our mom were in Ca. So only 6 of us made it in a pic this year.
Elizabeth, Michelle, Jana, Me, Chance and Wendy.
After every Coopers Run, a select few are invited to Coopers Grave to listen to reverent music and watch the sunset. It's a very peaceful and quiet experience to feel the spirit and remember the quiet tender mercies that were learned shortly after Cooper passed away.
The sunset is always fabulous!
Quinn quietly thanking everyone for coming.
My Cooper color toes.
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