My mother came to visit and stay with us for two days, Saturday and Sunday May 18th and 19th. My girls are always so excited to spend time with Grandma, since she lives so far away. So I tried to have herd as much with us in two days. We went to the Arcadia County Park while Naomi was at Gymnastics, we went swimming, went to Cathrine Cards wedding reception, to Church, home for Sunday lunch, made a fun birthed banner that she brought for us, then went to the cemetery, pictures to follow. 
LA County Park
Sitting in the sun, squinting sun face, deciding it's hot enough to swim.
Catherine Cards wedding decor so beautiful, at the home of Donna Miller.
On Sunday afternoon before we took my mom to meet up with Aunt Nancy and Uncle Harry, I had wanted to take my mom to the cemetery where my brother Mathew is buried. I have spent some time here recently since his birthday was May 16th. It is a place of peace and quiet. I have felt so calm as I have taken my kids there and sat and enjoyed the beauty of it. We took these flowers a the day after his birthday. I couldn't believe they were still there. But I was happy to have had the chance to go to this quiet place with my mother and my kids. And fortunate enough to have a camera phone to capture it.
Once we dropped off my mom at the McDonalds off the 10 freeway, I had the girls watching "Sound of Music." I'm so overjoyed that they love this musical as much as I do. They were mesmerized the whole way there and home. Thank Heaven for a car dvd player.
When my mom went out front to talk on her cell phone, Audrey followed her out, waving to me as I questioned where she was going. Love her face!!!
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