Naomi told me the night before this was supposed to be due that she wanted to make a Leprechaun trap. So we quickly found what we ha around the house, with her ideas of what she wanted it to look like, and threw it together so she could go to bed. So see here...
We took a kleenex box and covered it with green paper, the same paper we used for the grass. Then we took popsicle sticks to make a ladder that goes up to the top that had tissue paper we colored green. We chose the shiniest gold pennies from our coin jar and glued them to the top to attract the Leprechaun. Then we twisted gold pipe cleaners into circles to look like coins that led to the ladder. That was is. We did the best we could to fulfil her imagination of what she wanted it too look like, then I shushed her off to bed. The next morning it made it in one dried piece to school. Yes! Next time I'm going to tell her it's too late, since this was optional and just for fun. Not required or graded.

So this is one of the first days that I set Audrey down and she didn't cry. She totally hammed it up for the camera. So we took a few more, mother desired, pics of all three of them. Doesn't get cuter than this.

Heidi rarely leaves her hair in pony tails or braids or even her bows or flowers that I take the time to put in her. So when she left her hair in for St Patricks Day, so neatly pulled tight, even after preschool, I was sooooooo happy and wanted to take a million pictures to enjoy a clean look.

Notice that the messiness is going to begin. So my desire to keep her clean only lasted as long as these pictures. Shortly there after she had green play doe, made at school, all over her skin and cloths.

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