Ryan and I had the privilage of attending the wedding reception of Brooke Tolman and Cyriss... The reception was held at the Langham Hotel in Pasadena, the old Ritz hotel. It was fabulously, amazingly beautiful. My sisters Wendy and Jennifer made the huge foral arrangements in large erns that sat outside the entrance into the main reception hall. The table and chairs with all the pictures on it was right as you walked in, just before the recieving line. Of course it is amazingly fabulous again.
My little camera didn't take great pictures inside cause the lighting was dimbed, but these are a few I did take to be able to show my sister Jana Lynn, who wasn't able to attend, how beautiful everything turned out.
I wish all the best to Brooke and Cyriss as they start life together.
Wow! that does look amazingly fabulous!