As a goal a few years ago, well actually before we had Audrey, Ryan and I tried our best to go to the temple once a month. Since after Audrey, 5 years ago, we have been slackers. Its not an easy drive to the Los Angeles Temple, Newport Beach Temple, or the Redlands temple.
I had made the resolve that I would plan a Saturday morning trip, set up babysitting for my girls, and just go. Of course things don't always go as planned. I woke up, started to get myself"church" ready, made sure my plans to drop off Naomi and Audrey at Amy Gray's house was still on, then get Heidi ready to be dropped off at art. In the process of getting ready, Ryan told me he wouldn't be able to go cause he had to work. Ugh! Yes I was irritated, but I resolved to go anyway. Once dropping off Heidi, I headed to Los Angeles. Just before arriving and seeing this awesome view below, my sister Wendy started to txt me. She was asking questions about ordering essential oils and which would be the best for her needs. I started to answer as I sat at the light waiting to turn into the temple parking lot. But as I started my way through the temple grounds, there was no where to park. Not one open spot. Not even in the far back where there is usually a few spots waiting. So I ended up on a side street outside the temple gates. I parked, turned my car off and continued to respond to my sisters txts, cause I felt she needed a little time and care. Once done and explaining that I was headed into the temple, I walked around to the front entrance and went in to the front desk to present my temple recommend. At this point, the kind gentlemen who scans the recommends informed me that the session had just started. I missed it! darn it. So I still went in to see what other work could be done. As I walked into the dressing room, a sweet temple worker informed me that all the water in the temple had just stopped. They weren't sure why, but none of the bathroom, drinking fountains, or any water was in use. So I sat near a little desk in the woman dressing room waiting for these kind temple workers to let me know what I could do. Many woman came in a followed my current situation, asking what they could do. Once told that we were at a stand still, disappointment shown on all their faces. The Los Angeles Temple is not close to many members who drive there to attend. Me included. So we all just waited patiently and quietly to be given a place to go. In a short time, a sweet lady came back to the desk with bottles of water and said we could use them for initiatories. So I found a locker, changed in to my whites, and went to sit on the bench in the initiatorie hallway. As I sat waiting, a good family friend walked up and sat next to me. On my lap I had a paper and pencil in which I was writing down names of people and family member who I thought could use a prayer. She asked if I always kept a paper and pencil in hand, in a joking tone. I just replied that if I had the time to sit and wait, I might as well use it to think of those I know who could use a little more heavenly help. We quietly chatted and caught up on each others lives. It was a very sweet conversation of how and why she was there, and how and why I was there. However, as we chatted and caught up, the same sweet women who had brought the water bottles, came over to tell us she was very sorry to inform us that the temple president had just decided to close the temple for the day till they could get the water fixed. Huh?! Ok, so I changed back into my cloths, and headed home.

If you look closely above, you will see a group of people cleaning the shrubbery on the temple grounds. It made me happy to see that as a church and a people as a whole do our part to take care of our buildings and temples.
Before getting on the freeway, I decided to make my drive all the way to Los Angeles in vain, by stopping at Bottega Louie for some scrumptious macaroons. So many flavors to choose from, it was hard to decide. But I filled a box and brought them home to share with Ryan.
This is the ladies room. This is one view of the main seating.
The front view of the restaurant when you first walk in the door. Bottega Louie is always crowded.