Anyway, he ordered the new IPhone 4 s just before the man called to return his other iPhone. He told me I could use his Perfectly fine iphone. I have resisted getting an iPhone due to just getting used to my blackberry. But now I'm sending this from the mac store, and I'm sold. iPhone, hopefully, here I come.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
So, Ryan ordered the new I phone, cause he dropped his phone in the street and someone swiped it, not returning it for a full day, even after he tracked it and left a note on the car...
Sunday, October 16, 2011
California Discovery Museum 8-25-11
We met up with the Talbot clan again, our zoo friends who live in Lancaster, Ca. This time we met at the Discover and Science Museum in Los Angeles. In the parking lot there was a pendulum with a Toyota Tundra on one end and three ropes spread out on the other end. You try to pull down on each rope and see which was easiest to lift the tundra off the ground. Obviously the rope that was on the farthest end of the pendulum, was easiest since there was less weight to pull. I don't know all the logistics of the pendulum, but the girls loved feeling like they were so strong.

Friday, October 14, 2011
First Day of School 2011
Naomi's First Day of 2nd Grade at Mayflower Elementary
While walking toward Mayflower from the alley near the cross walk to Mayflower Elementary School, we happened to walk into Mia, Naomi's best friend from 1st grade. They were so excited to see each other after a long summer apart. It was adorable to see how giddy they were, even walked hand in hand at one point. Adorable. I might have cried if we weren't coming upon a school full of kids and parents. I couldn't lose it yet. (Actually I was jumping for joy that school was starting again.)

Heidi's First Day of Preschool at First Presbyterian Church.
Her teacher is Ms Val.
Heidi and Mia, her BFF from last years preschool class with Ms Tina.
Heidi and Harry Terrill, first day of school/after school slurpee's. Harry came home with us for a play date. It was so hot that I had to treat the kids to a cold slurpee. Can you see in Heidi's eyes what sugar does to her? Not a joke. It turns her into the hulk.
I wish I could video Heidi and Harry playing. They are so cute, have cute conversations and get along so well. This time they were playing Repunzel and Harry was taking care of her. I couldn't believe she laid there with all those hot blankets on her. I was hot inside the house. Can't imagine how sweaty she was laying in the outside heat.
Time out for Heidi! August 28th 2011
This is what happens 90% of the time when Heidi sits in Time Out in the Jack and Jill bathroom at our house. She can't just sit there sulking in her own guilt. She has to be angry and aggressive to show that she is mad at me for getting/making her in trouble. So she unrolls the whole roll of toilet paper. This was an easy one. Usually it is the whole roll. I got lucky this day since, you can tell, it was toward the end of the roll.
Just another day or event in the Rossiter Home.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Audrey's First Birthday 8-12-11
On Audrey's actual first birthday we were in San Clemente. I had bought these skinny jeans and pink shirt just for her. Most of her other cloths are hand me downs from Naomi. So I thought it would be nice to have some up to style jeans, and I couldn't resist the ballet pink shirt.

Thursday, October 6, 2011
Pure Heaven!
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
End of Summer Ice Cream Social and Family Theme for this School Year!

Dawn and Harry Terrill

Brazilian Limade!

Harry Jr. He was so sweaty from running around and playing on the bounce house.

Naomi loves the social atmosphere
Heidi in chocolate Heaven
Kaden Larson, Allison Menlove, Sasha Gurerro, Naomi, Dante Gurerro, and Blake Larson.
Family theme 2011!
I follow Stephanie Nielson's blog ( and copied her theme for back to school/family life this year. She is so creative, and inspiring, with creative things for her kids. The theme is from the scripture Alma 37:6.
..." but behold I say unto you, that by small and simple things are
great things brought to pass "...
great things brought to pass "...
Our crowns are not as elaborate as her kids, but my girls had fun making them. They sit on to of our family room book shelf to hopefully remind them that they have the potential to become great.
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