Saturday, December 26, 2009
Cooper's Blog
Friday, December 18, 2009
Girls Holiday Announcement

If you don't get this picture, than scroll down and read the next blog.
Heidi doesn't look too happy, but it's not because she won't be the baby anymore. She was really sick and was not a very good trooper about sitting for this picture.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Child # 3... 4 weeks and 3 days Pregnant!

Given my history that I had a internal bleeding miscarriage and a cyst on my right overy that had to be removed in June of this year, I was concerned when my overy was bothering me. This is why I didn't want to tell anyone. This ultrasound picture may look like nothing, but if you look closely at the arrow, you can see the sac attached to the dark circle. My gestational cycle looks right on and the "computer" tells us that I am 4 weeks and 3 days pregnant.
Our christmas decorations have been up since the beginning of December. So to try to surprise Ryan and let him figure out on his own that I am pregnant. So I hung a very bright, non coordinating stocking right in the middle of our usual four stockings. I also put a big # 3 on a piece of paper and pinned it to the front. As you can see it was very obvious. However, Ryan didn't notice it for three days. He stood in front of it for almost two hours trying to connect up the t.v. inside to the new t.v. outside, all joining to the cable and dvd player. Still he didn't notice it. On Wednesday the 9th, I came home exhausted from setting up the ward building for our Enrichment night. I laid on the couch talking to other woman involved int he activity when I started explaining the "he hadn't even noticed yet." Ryan heard me say this and he became very curious as to what I was talking about, so much that he wouldn't leave me alone till I told him what he hadn't noticed. He asked if I had gotten a hair cut, or if I had cleaned. It wasn't until I stared at the fireplace that he noticed and sat frozen and dazed. He was shocked, but them replied that so many things made sense now (meaning my moods, migrane and irritability.)
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Naomi's Flu Shot
Halloween @ the L.A. Zoo
On Saturday October 24th, We went to the L.A. Zoo with Eliza Burhley for the "BOO" day of trick-0r-treating and running around before the general public arrived. Since we have a family pass we were able to be there @ 9 am and watch pumpkin carving demonstrations, go to a pumpkin patch, watch a scare crow on stilts creep out the little kids, and see all the zoo animals before it was too crowded. I'm so glad we got there early and left by 11 cause the parking lot was packed when we got back to our car.
Eliza and Naomi were troopers for walking all over the zoo. We only had a single stroller and the zoo was a lot of hiking. They were exhausted by the end of the two hours there. Oh, and they had stayed up till 10 pm the night before reading books and giggling in the bed. It was a fun day. Eliza and Naomi get along well with their quick whit and great ideas of the fun things planned next.
Heidi got to sit and relax, but felt she was missing out every time we'd stop to see a caged animal. So she was in and out a lot, but rode in luxury.
We are so happy to have the Burhleys' close, if only for a little while.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Being so furtunate to live near the ocean gives us great chances to visit any time. This picture of Heidi was November 28th. It was a beautiful day. Not too cold, but I wouldn't touch the water. That did not stop Naomi and Easton Bleecker. They were in and out, constantly plumbled by waves as they tried to build mounds of sand not quite castles.
We are so blessed in every way. Life isn't easy, but we try to thank Heavenly Father for what we do have. I feel blessed to live in Ca, to have a new home, to have two healthy children, a husband who works hard, a family I wish wasn't so far away, trials that help us learn, even when we don't want to learn them with loss. Mostly I'm grateful for the example of a Savior. He is the way! Heavenly Father has given us everything we need to survive on this earth. We really just have to seek after it and follow the commands laid out for us.
So I tend to preach my testimony a little much, but this is my blog and I feel we should all share our testimonies when we have the chance.